ReferenceAvo Public APIExport Branch Stats

Export Branch stats

Export branch stats using Avo API

The Export API gives you the possibility to export your Avo branches as CSV.


:workspaceId is the ID of your workspace. You’ll find it in the URL of your avo tab after /schemas/.

Returns [a CSV string that is a representation of your branch stats for all branches in the workspace]

CSV Headers

  • branchName: Name of the branch
  • branchId: Id of the branch
  • branchCreatorId: userId of the branch creator
  • branchCreatorEmail: email of the branch creator
  • creationDate: UTC timestamp when the branch was created
  • branchStatus: current status on the branch [Merged | Closed | Approved | Draft | ReadyForReview]
  • collaborators: array of user emails that helped on the branch.
  • lastPublishedDate: UTC timestamp of last time when the branch was published to a downstream publishing integration
  • markedReadyForReviewDate: UTC timestamp when the branch was marked as ReadyForReview. This will return the date of the first ReadyForReview event.
  • markedReadyForReviewerUserEmail: email of the user who marked the branch as ReadyForReview. This will return the email of the user who first marked the branch as ReadyForReview.
  • branchMergedDate: UTC timestamp when the branch was merged
  • branchMergedUserEmail: email of the user who merged the branch.


This endpoint requires an authorization header containing a Base64 encoded service account name and secret.

Rate Limit

We currently soft-enforce 1/req/s rate limit per service account for this endpoint. Please reach out to us if you have a use case in mind that requires a higher rate limit.


- workspaceId

Locate your workspaceId in the URL

- branchStatuses (optional)

Comma separated list of branch statuses to include in the export, if the parameter is not provided, all branch statuses will be included.

List of branch statuses:

  • Merged
  • Open
  • Closed
  • Draft
  • ReadyForReview
  • ChangesRequested
  • Approved



- format (optional)

the format of the response, defaults to csv


  • csv
  • json



example request

curl -X GET,Closed&format=json


  "branches": {
    "9I2PVpWpy": {
      "branchId": "9I2PVpWpy",
      "branchName": "branch0",
      "branchCreator": "",
      "creationDate": "2024-11-13T12:33:02.491Z",
      "branchStatus": "Closed",
      "collaborators": [""],
      "lastPublishedDate": null,
      "markedReadyForReviewDate": null,
      "markedReadyForReviewUser": null,
      "branchMergedDate": null,
      "branchMergedUser": null
    "MjXJOyCW0": {
      "branchId": "MjXJOyCW0",
      "branchName": "branch1",
      "branchCreator": "",
      "creationDate": "2024-11-13T13:13:32.063Z",
      "branchStatus": "Closed",
      "collaborators": [""],
      "lastPublishedDate": null,
      "markedReadyForReviewDate": null,
      "markedReadyForReviewUser": null,
      "branchMergedDate": null,
      "branchMergedUser": null
    "O6ZTDuyrOU": {
      "branchId": "O6ZTDuyrOU",
      "branchName": "branch2",
      "branchCreator": "",
      "creationDate": "2024-03-12T19:42:15.777Z",
      "branchStatus": "Approved",
      "collaborators": [""],
      "lastPublishedDate": null,
      "markedReadyForReviewDate": "2024-03-12T19:42:46.288Z",
      "markedReadyForReviewUser": "",
      "branchMergedDate": null,
      "branchMergedUser": null

- Base64 encoding secret header

The base64 encoded token expects name:secret

See more on authorization


$ curl -H "authorization: Basic <Base64 encoded token>" -X GET